Timers & Site Properties
  • 18 Sep 2023
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Timers & Site Properties

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Article summary

Below is a list of important Modules with their associated timers and site properties.


TimerAN_ResetSyncIf the data synchronization gets stuck, you can use the timer to clear the statuses
TimerAN_SyncEnvironmentFull sync of the environment
TimerAN_SyncProbesSynchronize Agile.Now Probes from all environments where installed
Site PropertyCallbackURLAgileNowAPI Callback URL for internal communications. Internal
Site PropertyTime_RunProjectDeploymentsName of timer to run project deployments. Internal 
Site PropertyTimer_RunProjectTestsName of timer to run project tests. Internal 


Site PropertyAuthenticationTokenKeyAuth token for authentication between AgileNow server and AgileNow probes. If you install the Agile.Now software in e.g. a Development environment and then you want to take the product into production. Copy this same value to each environment. More information here
Site PropertyDebugTrue - Enable debugging mode with more logging if needed
False - Standard operating mode
Site PropertyIntervalDefault time in seconds between checking environments. You can change the settings directly from the Agile.Now Settings section


TimerInvalidateCacheClears cache for applications when published
Site PropertyDebugLogs a message with level DEBUG on this logger.  0 = No log messages. 1 = Json conversions. 2 = Executed dynamic SQL statements. 3 = Json conversions and executed dynamic SQL statements.
Site PropertyLicenseHolds the license for the specific Agile.Now installation. You can change the settings directly from the Agile.Now Settings section 


Cancel all release plans. More information here.
TimerAN_CleanUpOldProcessesCleans up old processes from the database
TimerAN_DeploySet necessary default configuration when the platform is deployed
TimerAN_RunAutoBehaviourPerforms automated behaviors in a specified environment 
TimerAN_RunProjectDeploymentsPerforms project deployments in a specified environment (auto behavior)
TimerAN_RunProjectTestsPerforms project tests in a specified environment (auto behavior)
Site PropertyCleanUp_CompletedProcessMaxAgeThe number of days to preserve the process after its completion
Site PropertyCleanUp_TestResultsMaxAgeThe number of days to preserve the process after its completion
Site PropertyDeployProcess_DeploymentTimeoutTimeout to deployment result of the new LifeTime deployment, in hours
Site PropertyDeployProcess_ValidationTimeoutTimeout to validation result of the new LifeTime deployment, in minutes
Site PropertyDeployProcess_WaitAfterAppVersionsPreparationAmount of minutes to wait after application preparations
Site PropertyTestExecution_ResultsTimeoutTimeout to tests result of the testing services, in minutes


TimerAN_DeployRegister authentication token key
Site PropertyAuthenticationTokenKeyAuthentication Token Key is part of the authentication information for clients.  If the value is empty, the client can be registered. Copy this same value to each environment. More information here


TimerAN_Timer_ExecuteTestsRun tests in given host and save execution in the database
Site PropertyRunWithTimerTrue - Run the tests with a timer
False - Run the tests with a BPT process

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