Network requirements for services
    • 06 Mar 2023
    • 1 Minute to read

    Network requirements for services

    Article summary


    The Agile.Now server uses network addresses optimised for data security and network availability.  All services require TCP port 443, with a valid SSL.

    OutSystems Platform-as-a-Service (Paas)On-site install
    Two types of web addresses are in use by PaaS, utilising both internal and public addresses.  Agile.Now will connect to whichever is the most suitable for any given situation.In OutSystems On-Site installs, only a single network address is used (as configured in ServiceCenter)

    Agile.Now network requirements

    Address used (PaaS x2 / On-Site x1)SourceDestinationPortProtocolNotes
    PublicAgile.Now Web ApplicationFront-End Modules443TCPLinks to open modules directly in Service Studio
    PublicAgile.Now Web ApplicationFront-End BDD testing application443TCPLinks to run unit tests via built-in BDD
    PublicAgile.Now Web ApplicationFront-End end-to-end tests443TCPLinks to run end-to-end tests
    PublicAgile.Now Front-End ProbeAgile.Now Server443TCPStatus signals (not containing data) is sent
    InternalFront-End Agile.Now ProbeAgile.Now Server443TCPProbe application when installed on Front-End registers itself with Agile.Now server
    InternalAgile.Now ServerFront-End Agile.Now Probe443TCPAgile.Now Server will fetch data from the Front-End probe; include information on applications, modules, versions and BDD tests
    InternalAgile.Now ServerFront-End where OutSystems Discovery installed (normally DEV)443TCPAgile.Now server will fetch data from OutSystems Discovery application
    InternalAgile.Now Front-EndsAgile.Now Server443TCPAgile.Now Webhook for realtime updates

    External connectivity requirements

    Agile.Now includes connectivity to external services, both built-in and custom integration that can be built.  The scope of this document does not cover user-built integrations and should be documented by the user themselves.

    Project Management tools

    Atlassian JIRAAgile.Now Server connects to JIRA in order to track Issues and Projects
    Azure DevOpsAgile.Now Server connects to DevOps in order to track Issues and Projects
    Rally SoftwareAgile.Now Server connects to Rally in order to track Issues and Projects (coming soon)
    Your own custom integrationAgile.Now Server allows custom integrations to be done using integration libraries (as of version 2.4.0)

    Automated Testing Tools

    Ghost InspectorAgile.Now Server connects to Ghost Inspector in order to run automated testing
    Your own custom integrationAgile.Now Server allows custom integrations to be done using integration libraries (as of version 2.3.0)

    OutSystems SaaS Tools

    AI Mentor Studio (previously Architecture Dashboard)Agile.Now
    443TCPAgile.Now uses the AI Mentor SaaS to help reduce technical debt in your code

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