How to Create and Assign a User to a Workspace
  • 19 Dec 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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How to Create and Assign a User to a Workspace

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Article summary

Creating and assigning users within our system is an essential task that allows you to manage access to different workspaces. The system distinguishes between "Internal" users, who are part of your organization, and "External" users, who belong to other workspaces or tenants.


  • Ensure you have "AccessManager" role within create and update access rights.
  • Have the prospective user's email address and, optionally, their phone number ready.

Step 1: Open the User Management Section
Access the 'Accounts' section from your system's dashboard. Click on the 'Assigning to workspaces' button to start the user creation process.

Step 2: Search for an Existing User
Use the search function to determine if the user already has an account in the system by entering their email address or phone number and clicking 'Search'.

Step 3: Creating a New User
If no existing user is found, you will be prompted to enter the user's personal details. Fill in the user's first name, last name, email address, and username. Select their preferred language and enter a phone number if available. When you save this information, the user is created as an "Internal" user for your workspace.

Step 4: Handling Existing Users
If the system finds that the user already exists in another workspace, they will be assigned as an "External" user within your workspace. The system establishes a relationship between the user and your workspace without creating a new account.

Step 5: Assigning Roles and Permissions
Depending on whether the user is "Internal" or "External", assign them to appropriate roles and permissions within your workspace. "Internal" users may be given more extensive access and responsibilities, while "External" users will have access based on existing relationships between workspaces.

Step 6: Finalizing and Notification
Once all details are entered and roles are assigned, click 'Save' to create the account. The user will be notified via email or phone, based on the contact details provided, about their new workspace access.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • If the user does not receive an email or phone notification, check the accuracy of the contact information provided.
  • If the user experiences access issues, verify their role and permissions settings.

By following these steps, you can effectively create and assign users to your workspace, granting them the necessary access rights to perform their duties. If you encounter any difficulties or need further assistance, please consult our detailed help guides or contact our support team for additional support.

Internal and External users

The table provides a comparison between "Internal" and "External" users within a workspace management system, detailing key aspects such as their definitions, the extent of their access rights, account creation process, user management capabilities, association with workspaces, the kind of notifications they receive, and their visibility within the system. This information is crucial for administrators to understand how to manage different types of user accounts and what limitations or capabilities each type of user has.

FeatureInternal UserExternal User
DefinitionPart of the primary organization or workspace.Belongs to a different workspace or tenant.
Access RightsFull access rights within the primary workspace.Access may be limited based on inter-workspace relationships.
Account CreationCreated as a new user if not already existing in the system.Not created as a new user; a relationship is established if they exist in another workspace.
User ManagementCan be managed extensively, including adding to groups, setting permissions, and organizational links.Management options may be restricted; typically can only manage language settings and unlink from workspace.
Workspace AssociationTheir base workspace is where the account was created.Associated with a new workspace as an "external" user but retains original workspace associations.
NotificationReceives onboarding communications and notifications from the primary workspace.Notifications are managed by the workspace where the user has "internal" status.
VisibilityVisible in all internal directories and systems within the primary workspace.Visibility may be restricted in the new workspace's directories and systems.

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