Domain Management Impact on Functionality
  • 28 May 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Domain Management Impact on Functionality

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Article summary

The Agile.Now Platform is a robust Software as a Service (SaaS) offering that provides versatile solutions for businesses. One of its flexible features is the option to use Cloudflare domain management. This choice significantly alters how the platform operates, especially concerning subdomain usage, authentication processes, and branding. This article aims to elucidate these differences in a manner that’s accessible to a semi-technical audience.

Domain Management Explained

Domain management is a critical aspect of web services that involves overseeing the domain names of a company's internet presence. When applied to a platform like Agile.Now, it influences how the platform's services are accessed and presented.

With Cloudflare Domain Management

When domain management is utilized via a service like Cloudflare, it provides several enhanced capabilities:

  • Subdomain Flexibility: You can create specific addresses such as or, which can be tailored to each project or client.
  • RESTful Service Management: All open and token-based REST interfaces (a way for systems to communicate) operate using the customer's unique address, streamlining the process.
  • Automatic Tenant Switching: When moving between different parts of the platform (tenants), this switch happens seamlessly in the background.
  • Multi-Tenant OpenID Support: Important for authentication in environments where multiple tenants exist, ensuring secure logins.
  • Branding Consistency: The platform supports consistent branding across all publicly accessible web pages and for logged-in users.
  • Language Customization: Offers the ability to tailor the language settings for both public and private interfaces.

Without Domain Management

In the absence of Cloudflare domain management, the platform still functions effectively but with some limitations:

  • Unified Address: All tenants function under a single address like, which might affect how users perceive different projects or clients.
  • Default Tenant Operation: Public REST interfaces default to a general tenant, which could limit customized interactions.
  • Branding Limitations: Login and other public pages will not carry tenant-specific branding.
  • Language Settings: While logged-in user language customization is available, public web pages will not offer this personalization.

Comparative Overview

To help elucidate the differences, here’s a table comparison:

FeatureWith Cloudflare Domain ManagementWithout Domain Management
Subdomain AddressesYes, e.g., customer.acme.comAll tenants under
REST InterfacesOperate on customer address with auto tenant switchAuto tenant switch by ClientId
OpenID Support (.well-known)Yes, in multi-tenant environmentAuto tenant switch by TenantId
Login Page BrandingSupported for all open web pagesOnly default tenant
Tenant-specific BrandingSupported for logged-in usersSupported for logged-in users
Customer-specific Language Settings (Web Pages)SupportedOnly default tenant
Customer-specific Language Settings (Logged-in User)SupportedSupported


Choosing whether to use Cloudflare domain management with the Agile.Now Platform depends on the specific needs of your business. Enhanced personalization and streamlined user experiences are key benefits of opting in for domain management. On the other hand, smaller operations or those requiring less customization may function adequately without it.

When deciding, consider the impact on user interaction, branding consistency, and the administrative effort required to manage multiple tenants. With this information, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your company's operational needs and strategic goals.

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