Project Management
  • 02 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Project Management

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Article summary


Agile.Now Factory needs at least the following workflow stages, for issues, to run the automated process. 

  • Development phase 
    • To-do 
    • In Progress 
    • Done 
  • Test phase
    • To-do 
    • In Progress 
    • Done 
  • Production phase
    • Closed 

If the project management software uses minimal workflow stages, the automatic deployment and testing phases are not available, allowing functionality to be started manually from Agile.Now Factory. 

We recommend that you use project management, which also defines the steps for automatic publishing and testing. This enables automated project workflow and helps us achieve the real Factory and DevOps process. 

The document describes the entire application development process and operations with an automated workflow. If you do not already have a ready-made workflow, a very good starting point is the one found in the Atlassian’s Appstore workflow template is available here

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