Text message configuration
  • 26 Feb 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Text message configuration

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Article summary

Configuring Twilio SMS settings in Agile.Now is essential for enabling system-generated text messages, including One-Time Passwords (OTPs), notifications, and security alerts. Without proper configuration, SMS-based OTPs and notifications will not function, leaving email as the only available option.

This guide provides a step-by-step process for setting up and managing Twilio SMS settings within Agile.Now.

Access Rights Information

To modify Twilio SMS settings, you need the Configuration SMS role with read and update permissions.

  • Ensure you have the Configuration SMS role with create and update permissions.
  • If tenants need to manage their own Twilio SMS settings, grant them Configuration SMS access.

Configuring Twilio SMS Settings

Follow these steps to configure Twilio SMS correctly.

1. Access the Twilio SMS Configuration Settings

  • Navigate to SettingsConfiguration.
  • Locate the Twilio Configuration section.
    Twilio configuration

2. Enable SMS Messaging

  • Toggle "Use SMS messages" to the ON position.

3. Enter Twilio Credentials

Fill in the required fields:

Account SIDTwilio Account Identifier.ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Auth TokenThe authentication token for API access.your_auth_token
Twilio Phone NumberThe number used to send SMS messages.+358400603436

Important Notes:

  • You can find your Account SID and Auth Token in your Twilio Console.
  • Ensure your Twilio number is enabled for sending SMS.
  • Using incorrect credentials may cause SMS sending failures.

4. Configuring Test SMS Redirection (Optional)

Before enabling live SMS sending, you can redirect SMS messages to a test number for validation.

  • Toggle Redirect text messages to test phone to ON.
  • Enter a Test Phone Number to receive test messages.
  • Click Save to apply the settings.

This feature ensures that SMS messages are processed before being sent to real users.

5. Saving and Applying Configuration

Once all required fields are filled:

  • Click Save.
  • The system will immediately apply the settings.

If Twilio credentials or settings are incorrect, Agile.Now may display SMS delivery errors.

6. Tenant-Specific Twilio SMS Configuration

When a new tenant is created, they automatically inherit the global Twilio SMS configuration.

  • If you grant tenants access to Configuration SMS, they can modify their own Twilio settings for custom message handling.

Troubleshooting Twilio SMS Issues

If SMS messages fail to send, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

IssuePossible CauseSolution
OTPs not received via SMS.Incorrect Account SID, Auth Token, or Phone Number.Verify Twilio settings.
SMS messages delayed.Twilio experiencing high traffic.Check Twilio Status.
SMS delivery fails for certain countries.Twilio Geo-Permissions may be blocking SMS.Enable the country in Twilio Messaging Settings.
Authentication failure.Incorrect API key or Twilio restrictions.Reset credentials or check Twilio policies.

If errors persist, refer to Twilio Support for further assistance.


Setting up Twilio SMS settings correctly is crucial for OTP delivery, notifications, and security messages in Agile.Now. If tenants require custom configurations, they can be granted Configuration SMS permissions.

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