Working with Records
  • 21 Sep 2023
  • 6 Minutes to read
  • Dark

Working with Records

  • Dark

Article summary

The examples in this section use REST API resources to create, retrieve, update, and delete records, along with other record-related operations.

Get {Entity name}

Get a record of the method. The method contains two parameters Id and Name. The method returns one record of the entity.

If the Id field value is matched multiple times, then a 400 error is reported (Errors/Multiple Rows), and the error record is returned.

If the value in the Name field value does not match, a 404 error is reported (Errors/Invalid Field), and the error record is returned.

  • REST API / Tag - {Entity plural} >> Departments
  • Scope - {Entity name}:Read >> Department:Read
  • Responses - 200, 400, 401, 403, 404, 500
  • Name - Get{Entity name} >> GetDepartment
  • Input parameters - Id, Name
  • Output parameters - Result {Entity name record}
  • URL - /{Module}/rest/{Entity plural}/
  • URL Path - /
  • HTTP Method - GET
  • Example - request GET /OpenApi/rest/Departments/XYZ123?Name=ExternalId >> Result

List {Entity plural}

Use the List Name resource to execute a query that includes information that returns all the results in a single response, or if needed, returns part of the results and an identifier used to retrieve the remaining results.
More information of query parameters - Search query parameters

  • REST API / Tag - {Entity plural} >> Departments
  • Scope - {Entity name}:Read >> Department:Read
  • Responses - 200, 400, 401, 403, 500
  • Name - List{Entity plural} >> ListDepartments
  • Input parameters - Fields, Filters, Orders, StartIndex, PageSize
  • Output parameters - Result {Entity plural}
  • URL - /{Module}/rest/{Entity plural}/
  • URL Path - /
  • HTTP Method - GET
  • Example - request GET /OpenApi/rest/Departments/? >> Result

Upsert{Entity name}

Insert or Update (Upsert) a record using an ExternalId or Id field value.


If the Id field value is not matched, then a 404 error is reported (Errors/Invalid Identifier), and the error record is returned. You cannot change Id field value.


If the ExternalId field value is not empty and Id field value is empty, action try update or insert record according ExternalId field value.

Create a new record

If the value in the ExternalId and Id fields are empty then action insert a new record according input parameter entity record structure (Entity namePost).

Input parameter

The input parameter must be used in the entity record structure (Entity namePost) inside the FieldType parameter in the foreign key fields. Method returns the entity record structure (Entity name) within AbstractText and AbstractLong records in foreign key fields.

  • REST API / Tag - {Entity plural} >> Departments
  • Scope - {Entity plural}:Create and Update >> Department:Create and Update
  • Responses - 200, 400, 401, 403, 500
  • Name - Upsert{Entity name} >> UpsertDepartment
  • Input parameters - {Entity name} (Entity namePost) >> Department
  • Output parameters - Result (Entity name)
  • URL - /{Module}/rest/{Entity plural}/
  • URL Path - /Upsert
  • HTTP Method - POST
  • Example - request POST /OpenApi/rest/Departments/Upsert Data[DepartmentPost] >> Result

Create{Entity name}

Use the Entity namePost object resource to create new records. You supply the required field values in the request data, and then use the POST method of the resource. The response body will contain the full Entity name object of the created record if the call is successful.

The input parameter must be used in the entity record structure (Entity namePost) inside the FieldType parameter in the foreign key fields. Method returns the entity record structure (Entity name) within AbstractText and AbstractLong records in foreign key fields.

  • REST API / Tag - {Entity plural} >> Departments
  • Scope - {Entity name}:Create >> Department:Create
  • Responses - 200, 400, 401, 403, 500
  • Name - Create{Entity name} >> CreateDepartment
  • Input parameters - {Entity name} (Entity namePost) >> Department
  • Output parameters - Result (Entity name)
  • URL - /{Module}/rest/{Entity plural}/
  • URL Path - /
  • HTTP Method - POST
  • Example - request POST /OpenApi/rest/Departments/ Data[DepartmentPost] >> Result

Update{Entity name}

You use the Entity namePost object resource to update records. Provide the updated record information in your request data and use the PUT method of the resource with a specific record ID to update that record. The response body will contain the full Entity name object of the updated record if the call is successful.

Update a record using an ExternalId or Id field value.

If the Name field value is matched multiple times, then a 400 error is reported, and the only one row is returned.

If the value in the Name field does not match, a 404 error is reported, and the error record is returned.

The input parameter must be used in the entity record structure (Entity namePost) inside the FieldType parameter in the foreign key fields. Method returns the entity record structure (Entity name) within AbstractText and AbstractLong records in foreign key fields.

  • REST API / Tag - {Entity plural} >> Departments
  • Scope - {Entity name}:Update >> Department:Update
  • Responses - 200, 400, 401, 403, 404, 500
  • Name - Update{Entity name} >> UpdateDepartment
  • Input parameters - Id, Name, {Entity name} (Entity namePost) >> Department
  • Output parameters - Result (Entity name)
  • URL - /{Module}/rest/{Entity plural}/
  • URL Path - /
  • HTTP Method - PUT
  • Example - request PUT /OpenApi/rest/Departments/XYZ123?Name=ExternalId Data[DepartmentPost] >> Result

Patch {Entity plural}

Use patch to insert multiple records and / or update multiple records using record indentifer or external identifier.


If there is need to do extra validations for the records these must be provded Inside the ListValidation list parameter


If the value is true, the data quality of all fields are checked. This has an effect on performance.



If the Id field value is not matched, then a 404 error is reported (Errors/Invalid Identifier), and the error record is returned. You cannot change Id field value.


If the ExternalId field value is not empty and Id field value is empty, action try update or insert record according ExternalId field value.

Create a new record

If the value in the ExternalId and Id fields are empty then action insert a new record according input parameter entity record structure (Entity plularPost).

Input parameter

The input parameter must be used in the entity record structure (Entity plularPost) inside the FieldType list parameter in the foreign key fields. Method returns the entity record structure (Entity plular) within AbstractText and AbstractLong records in foreign key fields.

  • REST API / Tag - {Entity plural} >> Departments
  • Scope - {Entity list}:Create and Update >> Departments:Create and Update
  • Responses - 200, 400, 401, 403, 500
  • Name - Patch{Entity plural} >> PatchDepartments
  • Input parameters - {Entity plural} (Entity pluralPost) >> Departments
  • Output parameters - Result (Entity list)
  • URL - /{Module}/rest/{Entity plural}/
  • URL Path - /Patch
  • HTTP Method - POST
  • Example - request Patch /OpenApi/rest/Departments/Patch Data[DepartmenstPost] >> Result

Delete{Entity name}

Use the query string resource to delete record(s). The method contains two parameters Id and Name. Specify the record ID and use the DELETE method of the resource to delete a record(s).

Delete a record using an ExternalId or Id field value.

If the value in the Name field value does not match, a 404 error is reported (Errors/Invalid Field), and the error record is returned.

  • REST API / Tag - {Entity plural} >> Departments
  • Scope - {Entity name}:Delete >> Department:Delete
  • Responses - 200, 400, 401, 403, 404, 500
  • Name - Delete{Entity name} >> DeleteDepartment
  • Input parameters - Id, Name
  • Output parameters - Result {JValue array}
  • URL - /{Module}/rest/{Entity plural}/
  • URL Path - /
  • HTTP Method - DELETE
  • Example - request DELETE /OpenApi/rest/Departments/XYZ123?Name=ExternalId >> Result

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