OAuth 2.0 Grant types
  • 20 Nov 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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OAuth 2.0 Grant types

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Article summary

OAuth 2.0 is a protocol that allows third-party applications to grant limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service, such as Facebook or GitHub. It's designed to work with HTTP and provides multiple "flows" for different types of applications and devices, known as "grant types." Let's explore these grant types, their usage, characteristics, and the role of PKCE in enhancing security.

1. Implicit Grant:

  • Description: Originally designed for applications that can't keep a client secret secure, like JavaScript-based Single Page Applications (SPAs).
  • How it works: The client is directly issued an access token after authentication, bypassing the intermediate code exchange step.
  • Security Note: Due to the exposure of the token on the client side, this method is less recommended for new applications. The Authorization Code grant with PKCE is now the preferred approach for SPAs.

2. Authorization Code Grant with PKCE:

  • Description: Ideal for apps that can securely manage a client secret, and now enhanced with PKCE for additional security.
  • How it works: Involves obtaining an authorization code that is exchanged for an access token. PKCE adds an extra layer by using a code verifier and a code challenge, ensuring that the token exchange request comes from the same device that initiated the authorization request.
  • Security Note: This method provides a robust flow for server-side applications, and with PKCE, it's also secure for client-side applications like SPAs.

3. Refresh Token Grant:

  • Description: A way to obtain a new access token without user re-authentication.
  • How it works: Uses a refresh token to request a new access token after the previous one expires.
  • Security Note: Refresh tokens can have varied lifespans based on security requirements.

4. Client Credentials Grant:

  • Description: Suited for server-to-server interactions.
  • How it works: Uses the client's credentials to obtain an access token, without user involvement.
  • Security Note: This flow fully trusts the client; hence secure storage of client credentials is critical.

5. Resource Owner Password Credentials (Password) Grant:

  • Description: The user provides credentials directly to the client.
  • How it works: The client sends the user's credentials to obtain an access token.
  • Security Note: Less secure as it involves sharing credentials with the client. Generally discouraged except for highly trusted or legacy applications.

OAuth 2.0 offers diverse grant types for different application types and security requirements. The addition of PKCE to the Authorization Code grant significantly enhances security, particularly for client-side applications.

Recommended Actions:

  1. Assess the nature and security needs of your application.
  2. Select the most suitable OAuth 2.0 grant type.
  3. Continuously review and update your security protocols to follow best practices.

Further Reading:

  1. OAuth 2.0 Framework - RFC 6749
  2. OpenID Connect Specification - OpenID Foundation

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