Client Credentials Grant
  • 19 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Client Credentials Grant

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Article summary

The OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant flow permits a web service (confidential client) to use its own credentials, instead of impersonating a user, to authenticate when calling another web service. This type is commonly used for server-to-server interactions that must run in the background, without immediate interaction with a user, and is often referred to as daemons or service accounts.

In the client credentials flow, permissions are granted directly to the application itself by an administrator. When the app presents a token to a resource, the resource enforces that the app itself has authorization to perform an action since there is no user involved in the authentication.

Get a token

After you've acquired the necessary authorization for your application, proceed with acquiring access tokens for APIs. To get a token by using the client credentials grant, send a POST request to the /oAuth/rest/v2/Token Agile.Now identity platform.

Access token request with a shared secret

POST /oAuth/rest/v2/Token HTTP/1.1           //Line breaks for clarity
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

client_idRequiredThe application ID that's assigned to your app. You can find this information in the portal where you registered your app.
scopeOptionalA space-delimited list of scopes that identify the resources the application could access on the user's behalf. Default value is openid profile name.
* - gives users all her/his scopes.
client_secretRequiredThe client secret that you generated for your app in the app registration portal. The client secret must be URL-encoded before being sent. The Basic auth pattern of instead providing credentials in the Authorization header, per RFC 6749 is also supported.
grant_typeRequiredMust be set to client_credentials.

Successful response

A successful response looks like this:

  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3599,
  "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzIBP...",
  "refresh_token": "tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA"

Error response

An error response (400 Bad Request) looks like this:

   "error_description":"Client authentication failed.",
     "Client authentication failed."

Use a token

Now that you've acquired a token, use the token to make requests to the resource. When the token expires, repeat the request to the /oAuth/rest/v2/Token endpoint to acquire a fresh access token.

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