- 25 Apr 2024
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Http validation statuses
- Updated on 25 Apr 2024
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HTTP response status codes
HTTP response status codes indicate whether a specific HTTP request has been successfully completed.
Status | Error | Description |
200 | OK | The code indicates that the request has succeeded. |
201 | Created | The server has fulfilled the browser’s request, and as a result, has created a new resource. |
400 | Bad Request | The user has provided input that the browser is unable to convert. |
401 | Unauthorized | The code indicates that the client request has not been completed because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource. |
402 | Activation Required | The code is a nonstandard response status code that is reserved for future use. The code indicate that the requested content is not available until the client makes a activation / payment. |
403 | Forbidden | The user does not have access to execute operation. |
404 | Not Found | The requested resource does not exist. |
405 | Method Not Allowed | The code indicates that the server knows the request method, but the target resource doesn't support this method |
406 | Not Acceptable | The server cannot produce a response matching the list of acceptable values defined in the request's proactive content negotiation headers. |
408 | Request Timeout | It means the server terminated the connection, resulting in the client receiving the 408 Request Timeout message |
429 | Too Many Requests | The code indicates the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting"). |
500 | Internal Server Error | An internal server error is an error on the web server you're trying to access. |
503 | Service Unavailable | The server error response code indicates that the server is not ready to handle the request. |
Example of 400 error a record
"The user has provided input that the browser is unable to convert.",
"There are multiple rows in the database for the same value",
"The value does not match the specified entity structure",
"Type":"/Errors/Bad Input",
"Title":"Bad Request",
Example of 500 error a record
"An internal server error is an error on the web server you're trying to access."
"Type":"/Errors/Internal Server Error",
"Title":"Internal Server Error",
Validation errors
List of errors returned by the service in different validation cases.
Error | Status | Description | Message |
Bad Input | 400 | The user has provided input that the browser is unable to convert. | The '{value}' is unable to convert. |
Custom Error | 400 | The element's custom validity message has been set to a non-empty string by calling the element's SetCustomValidity method. | The '{value}' is not in the required syntax. |
Invalid Field | 400 | The value does not match the specified entity structure. | The '{value}' does not match the specified entity structure ({pattern}). |
Invalid Identifier | 400 | The value does not match the specified entity identifier. | The '{value}' does not match the specified entity identifier. |
Invalid Length | 400 | The value does not meet the specified length requirements for the entity attribute; it should not exceed the maximum length or fall below the minimum length. | The '{value}' is invalid. It must be between '{pattern}'. |
Invalid Syntax | 400 | The value is not in the required syntax (when type is email, url, phone etc.). | The '{value}' syntax is not correct. |
Invalid Value | 400 | The value does not allowed the specified entity table. | The '{value}' not allowed |
Multiple Rows | 400 | There are multiple rows in the database for the same value. | The '{value}' is already in use. |
Pattern Mismatch | 400 | The value does not match the specified pattern. | The '{value}' does not match the specified pattern ({pattern}). |
Range Overflow | 400 | The value is greater than the maximum specified by the max attribute. | The '{value}' is greater than {max}. |
Range Underflow | 400 | The value is less than the minimum specified by the min attribute. | The '{value}' is less than {max}. |
Too Long | 400 | The value exceeds the specified max length for entity attribute. | The '{value}' is too long. Maximum length is '{max}'. |
Too Short | 400 | The value fails to meet the specified min length for entity attribute. | The '{value}' is too short. Minimum length is '{min}'. |
Type Mismatch | 400 | The value is not in the required syntax (when type is email, URL, phone etc.). | The '{value}' is not in the required syntax. |
Value Missing | 400 | The element has a required attribute, but no value. | The '{value}' is required. |
Unauthorized | 401 | The response status code indicates that the client request has not been completed because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource. | The session ID or OAuth token used has expired or is invalid. |
Activation Required | 402 | The code is a nonstandard response status code that is reserved for future use. The code indicate that the requested content is not available until the client makes a activation / payment. | The requested content is not available until the client makes a activation / payment. |
IP blocked | 403 | The response status code indicates that the client request has not been completed because its IP address has been blocked. | IP blocked. Client authentication failed. |
Permission | 403 | The user does not have access to execute operation. | The user does not have access the specified entity structure ({pattern}). |
Not Found | 404 | The requested resource does not exist. | The '{value}' not found |
Method Not Allowed | 405 | The code indicates that the server knows the request method, but the target resource doesn't support this method | The target resource doesn't support this method. |
Not Acceptable | 406 | The server cannot produce a response matching the list of acceptable values defined in the request's proactive content negotiation headers. | The server cannot produce a response matching the list of acceptable values. |
Request Timeout | 408 | It means the server terminated the connection, resulting in the client receiving the 408 Request Timeout message | The server terminated the connection |
Too Many Requests | 429 | The code indicates the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting"). | The user has sent too many requests. |
Internal Server Error | 500 | An internal server error is an error on the web server you're trying to access. | The Internal Server Error |
Service Unavailable | 503 | The server error response code indicates that the server is not ready to handle the request. | The server is not ready to handle the request. |