Accessing User Information
  • 27 Nov 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Accessing User Information

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Article summary

Agile.Now implements OpenID Connect, providing a userinfo endpoint that returns claims about the authenticated user. This endpoint is particularly useful for developers looking to obtain user profile details after authentication.

User Info Endpoint:

To retrieve user profile information, send a GET request to:

GET https://<server-url>/oauth/rest/v2/default/me/userinfo

Remember to replace <server-url> with the actual URL of your Agile.Now server.

Supported Scopes:

The userinfo endpoint supports various scopes that align with the data you wish to retrieve. These scopes include:

  • profile
  • email
  • phone
  • roles
  • identifier

Include these scopes in your authorization request to ensure the userinfo response contains the desired claims.

User Info Response:

Upon a successful request to the userinfo endpoint, the response includes a JSON object with the user's claims, structured as follows:

subString"248289761001"The user's unique identifier.
tidString"030e525a-4886-4ecd-8ca7-6f52ea000015"Tenant Identifier—identifies the specific tenant (organization) associated with the user.
preferred_usernameString"john.doe"Shorthand name by which the user wishes to be referred to.
nameString"John Doe"The user's full name.
given_nameString"John"The user's first name.
family_nameString"Doe"The user's last name.
emailString""The user's email address.
email_verifiedBooleantrueIndicates whether the user's email has been verified.
phone_numberString"+1234567890"The user's phone number.
phone_number_verifiedBooleantrueIndicates whether the user's phone number has been verified.
identifierString"xxxxxx-xxxx"The user's identifier (e.g., SSN.)
identifier_verifiedBooleantrueIndicates whether the user's identifier (e.g., SSN) has been verified
profileString""The URL to the user's profile page.
localeString"en-US"The user's locale, representing their preferred language and regional settings.
rolesArray["customer","user"]Roles assigned to the user.

Email and Phone Verification

The userinfo response includes email_verified and phone_number_verified claims to indicate whether the user's email and phone number have been validated by the identity provider.

  • email_verified: A boolean value that shows whether the email address is verified. (true if verified, false otherwise)
  • phone_number_verified: A boolean value that shows whether the phone number is verified. (true if verified, false otherwise)

Example JSON Response from userinfo:

  "sub": "248289761001",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "given_name": "John",
  "family_name": "Doe",
  "email": "",
  "email_verified": true,
  "phone_number": "+1234567890",
  "phone_number_verified": true,
  "locale": "en-US",
  "profile": ""

Handling Bearer Token Errors:

To access the userinfo endpoint, include a Bearer token in the Authorization header. If the token is invalid, you'll receive an error response.

Error Response Example:

   "error_description":"The session ID or OAuth token used has expired or is invalid.",
   "Errors": [
     "The session ID or OAuth token used has expired or is invalid."
   "Type": "/Errors/Unauthorized",
   "Title": "Unauthorized",
   "StatusCode": 401,
   "Instance": "/oauth/rest/v2/me/userinfo"

Error Handling Tips:

  • Always pass a valid Bearer token in the Authorization header.
  • Implement token refresh logic in your application to handle expired tokens.
  • Use secure HTTPS connections to prevent token interception and leakage.

Best Practices for Developers:

  • Ensure scopes requested during the authorization process match those needed for userinfo retrieval.
  • Store and manage Bearer tokens securely within your application.
  • Handle user data obtained from userinfo with care, respecting privacy and data protection laws.

By integrating the userinfo endpoint into your application, you can provide a more personalized user experience, leveraging the rich set of user claims available through Agile.Now.

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